Sunday, April 5, 2020

It's Easter Under Coronavirus (And I Feel Fine)

From Toledo, Iowa
For a host of reasons, this blog hasn't been a regular part of my life for about... [checks posts] ...5 years. One reason is that I had a messy breakup of sorts with the church. Coinciding with that was the gradual and inevitable dissolution of intellectual+spiritual friendships from grad school. Those were the folks I did my reading and thinking with, and the fruits of that often made it into writing here. No more thinking buddies, no more writing.

It's all well and good: I started an awesome coffee business in 2015 and most of my creative energy has been focused on that ever since.

And then a global pandemic hit the US last month and just kind of turned the world upside down. This novel coronavirus has forced everyone to reconfigure and drastically change nearly all aspects of our personal and social lives. And now many Christians are entering Holy Week today under a drastically altered lived experience as worshiping communities.

Photo by Erez Attias on Unsplash